Until I reached the ripe old age of 46, my life has been lived in a regular pattern of first getting married, having and looking after a young family consisting of two boys, Tony and my adopted son Christopher, and my two daughters, Penny and Lesley. Just before Lesley was born my husband, Sim, and I started a greengrocery business on a large housing estate in Bristol, and there we worked and ran the business for a number of years, getting to know all our customers, their families and their idiosyncrasies, and our life going on in a regular pattern. Our children were now grown up – Tony training to be an accountant, Christopher in the R.A.F., Penny training to be a computer programmer, and Lesley the only one still at school. This I thought would be the pattern of my life in the years to come until the time came for retirement and a cottage in the country. How sadly mistaken I was, was yet to be seen.
Penny at 19
Sim at 52
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